Anxiety in kids

10 Steps to Talk to Your Child About Anxiety: Tips and Strategies

6 Mins read

When it comes to raising children, communication is key. Good parent-child communication builds trust and sets a strong foundation for the future. To be able to talk to your child is one of the most important ways to create understanding between you and your child.

It’s important for parents to remember that talking with their children should be a two-way dialogue. Listening is just as important as speaking – in fact, listening actively can help you learn more about how your child thinks and feels in any given situation. Understanding your child’s perspective helps foster positive relationships and encourages open communication from both sides.

Giving kids opportunities to express themselves allows them to feel heard and respected which can help build self-confidence. It also helps them develop healthy social skills like problem-solving, decision-making, empathy, assertiveness, and resilience – all crucial life skills they’ll need throughout adulthood!

Step 1: Educate Yourself

If you’re a parent and you want to talk to your child openly and honestly about important topics, the first step is educating yourself. Arm yourself with knowledge of the common issues facing young people today so that you can have meaningful conversations with your child. This doesn’t mean you must become an expert on every single topic – set aside time to learn more about what’s relevant for your family.

Start by researching online or checking out books from the library on topics such as puberty, sexual health, mental health, bullying, or drug use. Learn the facts and be honest in presenting them to your child. You may also find it helpful to speak with professionals such as school counselors or healthcare providers for advice on how best to discuss these subjects with your kids.

Step 2: Assess Your Child’s Anxiety Level

Assessing your child’s anxiety level is an important step in helping them work through their struggles. To determine the best course of action for treatment, you must first assess how much anxiety they are experiencing. Talking to your child is the most effective tool for assessing this.

Start by having an open conversation with your child and asking questions like “How have you been feeling lately?” or “Are there any worries or concerns on your mind?” Listen carefully to their responses and take note of any signs of distress such as difficulty sleeping, nervousness, irritability, or avoidance behaviors. Ask about changes in school performance, friendships, and other activities that may indicate a decline due to anxiety. Discuss potential solutions with them so that they can gain more control over their emotions.

Step 3: Make Time

When it comes to talking to your child about anxiety, it’s important to make time for the conversation. Find a quiet, private space where you and your child can have an uninterrupted discussion. It’s also important to choose a time when your child is calm and relaxed, such as after dinner or before bedtime.

Avoid bringing up the topic when your child is in the middle of a stressful situation, as they may be more likely to feel overwhelmed and unable to fully engage in the conversation. By making time for this discussion, you are showing your child that their mental health and well-being are a top priority and that you are there to support them through any challenges they may face.

Step 4: Create a Safe Space to Talk

Kids need a safe space to share their feelings. Whether it’s fear, anxiety, or excitement, it’s important for parents to provide an environment that encourages open communication. Creating this kind of space helps build trust and encourage honesty between parent and child.

When talking to your child, keep the conversation relaxed yet focused on the issues at hand. Demonstrate understanding and kindness by being patient when they express emotions like anger or sadness. Avoid using negative language or making judgments; instead, show empathy and work together towards finding a solution.

Taking time each day to talk with your child will strengthen your relationship and create a deeper understanding of one another. It is also important to listen without interruption; allow them the chance to tell their story while showing genuine interest in what they have to say.

Step 5: Listen, Validate, and Ask Questions

The fifth step in talking to your child is listening, validating, and asking questions. You must remember that your child’s feelings and experiences are just as important as yours. The best way to move forward in these conversations is by actively listening to what your child is saying, validating their emotions, and then asking appropriate questions.

For example, if your child expresses feeling sad about a difficult situation at school you should say something like “I can understand why you would be feeling so upset about this.” Then you can ask the right questions to help gain more insight into how they’re feeling. This will let them know that you’re taking their feelings seriously and it provides an opportunity for further discussion. Asking questions also gives them the chance to figure out solutions on their own with your guidance.

Step 6: Find the Right Words(Explain)

One important aspect of talking to your child about anxiety is finding the right words to convey your message effectively. When discussing anxiety with your child, it’s crucial to use “age-appropriate” language and avoid using complicated terminology that they may not understand.

You should also focus on using positive and reassuring language to help your child feel supported and understood. It’s essential to remember that anxiety can be overwhelming, and the right words can help your child feel more comfortable and open to discussing their feelings. By taking the time to choose your words carefully and approach the conversation with empathy and understanding, you can help your child feel heard and supported.

Step 7: Encourage Healthy Coping Strategies

In the seventh step of helping your child develop healthier coping strategies, it is important to talk to them. Talking openly and honestly with your child about their feelings can help them learn how to manage them in different ways. It is essential that children learn to express their emotions in healthy and productive ways.

When you talk to your child, ensure that it takes place in a safe and comfortable environment. Ask open-ended questions in order to get an understanding of how they feel without making any assumptions or judgments. Encourage your child to share what they feel, what has happened, and how they can find better ways of dealing with difficult situations. Listening actively will help children realize that there are other options available when facing challenges or hardships instead of responding with unhealthy behaviors such as lashing out or bottling up their emotions.

Step 8: Model Healthy Behaviors

Model healthy behaviors to help your child learn and grow. Showing your child how to behave is an important part of parenting. Talk to your child about the importance of making good decisions, being kind, and staying safe.

Begin by setting a positive example for your child. Model appropriate behaviors in front of them like using kind words, avoiding aggressive responses, and following instructions from adults. Show them that it’s okay to make mistakes and mistakes can be used as learning opportunities. Demonstrate respect for yourself, other people, and property as well as responsible behavior like punctuality, planning ahead, and helping others when you can.

Talk openly with your child about why these behaviors are important for their health, happiness, and success in life. Explain how each behavior strengthens their character and helps them face challenges with courage instead of fear or anger.

Step 9: Normalize Feelings(Show Vulnerability)

When talking to your child about anxiety, it’s important to normalize feelings and show vulnerability. This means “acknowledging that anxiety is a common and natural emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives”. It’s also important to be open and honest about your own experiences with anxiety, sharing how you cope with it and any strategies that have helped you.

By showing vulnerability, you can create a safe and supportive environment where your child feels comfortable talking about their own feelings and fears. This can help them feel understood and validated, and can also provide them with important tools and techniques to manage their anxiety in a healthy way.

Step 10: Understand and Support

To effectively talk to your child about anxiety, it is important to understand and support them. First, take the time to listen and validate their feelings, without judgment or criticism. Try to understand the source of their anxiety and the specific triggers that make it worse. Once you have a better understanding of their experience, offer support by reassuring them that they are not alone and that you are there to help.

Encourage them to express their feelings and thoughts, and let them know that it is okay to ask for help. Teach them coping strategies such as deep breathing, visualization, or mindfulness exercises that they can use when they feel anxious. By understanding and supporting your child, you can help them feel more comfortable talking about their anxiety and empower them to manage it in a healthy way.


In conclusion, talking to your child about anxiety can be a challenging but important conversation to have. By using the tips and strategies discussed in this blog post, you can help your child understand their anxiety and learn how to manage it in a healthy way. Remember to be patient, compassionate, and willing to listen as you work together to build a strong foundation of support and understanding. With open communication and a willingness to learn, you can help your child feel empowered and confident in the face of anxiety.

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